Welcome to the VIPKID Payment Calculator!

This calculator calculates and compares your pay with the new pay structure and compares it to the old pay structure.

  1. 1. Enter your base rate per class. $7 to $11 dollars.
  2. 2. Enter your total lifetime classes with VIPKID.
  3. 3. Enter all classes you have taught this month. Please include Trial SNS's, regular class SNS's and short notice classes.
  4. 4. Enter the total short notice classes you taught this month. If you don't want to look and check how many, just enter 0 and it won't include short notice extra pay.
  5. 5. Enter your total TRIAL SNS's. This will adjust your total base pay to half base pay for these classes. If you don't want to check, just enter 0 and it will not add this calculation.
1. Base Rate ($7 to $11):

2. Total Lifetime Classes:

3. Total classes this month:

4. Total short notice classes:

5. Total TRIAL SNS classes:

Old Pay:

Your old incentive pay: $
Your old total pay: $

New Pay:

Your new incentive pay: $
Your new total pay: $
Pay difference:

Basic Info:

Your base rate is: $
Your class tier:
Your total classes:
Your total classes this month:
Your total short notice classes this month:
Your total trial SNS classes this month:

Base Pay Info:

Your total base pay: $
Your total base pay, adjusted for short notice and trial SNS classes is: $
Your total short notice pay (added to your total pay): $
Your total trial SNS's (classes paid at half your base rate): $